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What wine must you taste in France?

What wine must you taste in France?


What wine must you taste in France?

What wine must you taste in France?

Tourists from all over the world flock to Paris to appreciate the unrivaled French wine. But how do you choose it? How not to get lost in the abundance of stamps and labels? We will tell you about the best drinks that you will definitely want to try in the company of charming girls from our agency.

First, it must be said that good French wine is not equally expensive. This drink is consumed here every day, so it simply has to be affordable. Excellent wine can be purchased for both 5 and 10 euros. Secondly, we advise you to pay attention to the label. Usually, quality wines have rather modest labels with comprehensive information about the product. If the wine was bottled in the same place where it was made, you will see the inscription “Mis en bouteille en propriété”. Third, pay attention to the classification. French wines are divided into table wines (burgundy excise stamp on the label), local (blue stamp), wines controlled by origin, i.e. the best (they have a green excise stamp).

If you have any difficulties with the choice of wine in Paris, escort represented by our beautiful models will help you solve this difficulty with ease. Our girls are well versed in local cuisine and drinks, so they will tell, show and help you buy all the best and most popular. And then, if you want, they will share a meal with you on the Seine embankment or in a cozy apartment overlooking the city.

Make your trip more colorful, flavorful and delicious around Paris with Escort Ledy! Write to us right now!

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