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Interesting about the Parisians

Interesting about the Parisians


Interesting about the Parisians

Most tourists who find themselves in Paris strive to explore the city as soon as possible: its main attractions, streets and squares, museums and shops. But to understand the spirit of France, it is imperative to get acquainted with the locals and their traditions. Today we will tell you about the interesting features of the French. Perhaps this knowledge will make you a little closer to Parisians and Parisians.

First, the French experience an almost religious ecstasy while enjoying delicious food. They cook at home or go to restaurants, and food becomes a constant topic of discussion. But it should be noted that some French dishes lack sophistication. The French do not differ in disgust, therefore they not only eat any part of the animal's body, but also do not consider it necessary to at least hide which part it is. So, for example, the French easily lay out pork legs with hooves on a dish next to other, including gourmet, pork products.

Secondly, the French are fans of shopping. French supermarkets are the largest supermarkets in the world (excluding the United States), and most people shop there. However, small shops are also very popular. You can enjoy shopping in Paris with a luxury escort. Our girls know the most top places and will be happy to help with the choice of goods.

Thirdly, despite the fact that the rules of the protocol are strictly observed, the manners of the French are impeccable and respect for private life is in their blood, they are almost always late - for work, for business meetings, for interviews, etc. They have their own idea of ​​what it means to be on time. From their point of view, "plus or minus fifteen minutes" is completely normal. That is why they are sure that they are never late!

Fourth, the French condemn the pathetic attempt to act contrary to nature and mask the smell of human sweat with deodorants. The scent of a hot body has an exciting effect on them. They directly associate this smell with such a wonderful thing as making love. If you also prefer the natural scent of the female body, we ask your companion not to use perfumes and antiperspirants. Escort girls in Paris always meet the wishes of the client!

If you want to know more about France and its people, read our blog! We are always happy to share interesting and relevant information.

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